Friday, October 1, 2010

Christine O'Donnell on Rove's 'Un-factual' Remarks and 'Republican Cannibalism'

September 15, 2010

This article was talking about Christine O’Donnell being the Republican nominee for the Delaware Senate seat spoke back at Karl Rove earlier today for what she was calling“un-factual” accusations about her record.

Christine O’Donnell was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos an anchor for Good Morning America and let everyone know that what Karl Rove was saying was un-factual.  Also that he was the political guru who predicted she wasn’t going to win but Christine won big.  Christine spoke saying he was trying to restore his reputation but following her win Rove questioned her history of financial troubles. Rove stated on fox News, “Why did she mislead voters about her college education? How come it took nearly two decades to pay her college bills so she could get her college degree? How did she make a living? Why did she sue a well-known…conservative think tank,” Rove also predicted Christine O’Donnell would cost the republicans the GOP Senate seat especially since Castle was expected to win the nomination. Christine O’Donnell had things to say about the nominee the Republican Party was behind was supporting the democrats more than the republican political views.

Christine stated, “There were accusations I had an IRS tax lien which they admitted they made a computer error and they fixed it...I presented all the information to the Republican Party all the documentation and ignored the truth because they have no record to stand on and they are behind someone who they say is the only one who can win but doesn’t stand for anything the Republican Party doesn’t stand on.  I want to go to Washington D.C. to let them know what proposals I have to help get more jobs in Delaware and get the economy back on track, and take care of the veterans.”

The former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin came in at the last minute to endorse Christine O’Donnell which made a huge difference. Christine stated, “When Governor Palin stood up and so boldly made a statement that she supported me it allowed them to get past the politics of personal destruction, to look at the message…she helped to bring it back on track.”

Can Tea Party backed candidate Christine hurt the GOP’s chances of winning back the Senate seat even though the Republican Party said they won’t be giving any money to help her Senate bid in November, Jon Karl reported in the morning today. 

On Good Morning America Christine called that is ashame the Republican Party isn’t going to help with money.  If the cannibalism of the Republican Party were serious about wanting to win the Senate seat then the damage can be repaired to move forward which she put the challenge on them.  There was an update in that O’Donnell will get the support from the National Republican Senatorial Committee, according to a statement released by its chairman, Senator John Cornyn. 
Senator John Cornyn stated, “I reached out to Christine this morning, and as I have conveyed to all of our nominees, I offered her my personal congratulations and let her know that she has our support. This support includes a check for $42,000 – the maximum allowable donation that we have provided to all of our nominees – which the NRSC will send to her campaign today.”

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